Amazon Brings HD And Cellular Streaming To The iOS Instant Video App

Amazon has answered a long-standing request with an update to Amazon Instant Video that delivers streaming of HD resolution content, and allows streaming over cellular connections, rather than just Wi-Fi. The new 3.0 update also lets you beam the Amazon Instant Video library of movie and TV shows to your Apple TV via AirPlay in HD.

Basically, this means you finally have the full control over your own streaming destiny that should be your right as a streaming media service subscriber. Amazon’s decision to ease back on the handholding has ramifications, however, since using the highest level of streaming quality over a cellular connection will easily break the back of most users’ data plans.

Still, it’s nice to have choice, and the HD option is plenty useful over Wi-Fi connections. As a Prime member, I’m looking forward to being able to dig into the collection on the go, especially since it also works with the Apple Digital AV Adapter to playback content in HD over a hardwired HDMI connection, which is super useful for bypassing the expensive and ugly in-room entertainment system offered at most hotels.

The universal Amazon Instant Video update is available free via the App Store.

from TechCrunch

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