Vine Updates Search Results To Include Actual Vines, Not Just Hashtags And People

Vine has today updated its app to include even better search results.

When you go over to the Explore Tab, Vine will serve up the top results and the most recent posts for your search. Before, Vine would only return hashtags and usernames, but the new version of search shows actual content, including the most popular and the most recent posts that fit your criteria.

It’s a minor update but one that could help newer Vine users build up a more satisfactory feed.

Here’s what the old Vine search looked like:


Now, you can search for something on Vine and actually find the Vines that go with it, as opposed to going through each individual hashtag looking for the most popular or newest content.

It looks like this:

Of course, users still have the option of searching for people or hashtag, but they’ll also have the opportunity to look at Vines right from the search results page.

The update is only available on iOS, but the company promises the update will hit Android in the coming weeks.

from TechCrunch

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