The Austin And Seattle Meetups Are In Two Weeks, So SUIT UP!

You don’t really need to put on a suit, but you do need to hurry. Tickets are selling out quick and I don’t want you to miss out.

TechCrunch is headed to Austin and Seattle and the pitch-off applications are closed, which means that there is one thing left for you to do: Buy tickets.

We’ll hit up Austin on June 23 and head to our usual spot, Palm Door on Sixth Street, at 6pm sharp. We’ll hang for about an hour, have a drink or two (21+ only please), and then get underway with the pitch-off, where about ten companies will have exactly sixty seconds to pitch their product to a panel of local VC judges and a live audience.

It will be a night of adventure, tension, and general merriment.

Then, we’ll head to Seattle on June 25 to visit the glorious Showbox SoDo. Same story: Arrive at 6pm, start the show around 7pm, choose a winner by 8pm and we’re out the door by 10pm.

Last year, Seattle was feisty and fun. We expect nothing less this year.

So what’s the call? You ready to make a commitment or do you really need more convincing?

Buy tickets to the Austin Meetup here.

Buy tickets to the Seattle Meetup here.

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