Facebook Challenges Pinterest By Bringing News Feed Buy Button ToShopify’s Merchants

Facebook wants its ads to sell you stuff directly so you never have to click away to another app or site. Until now, Facebook was testing a Buy Button that does that with just a few selected test merchants, but now its opening it up to any retailer on Shopify‘s ecommerce platform.

That’s a big step towards the Buy Button becoming available to everyone, which could boost sale conversion rates for sellers, speed up purchasing for shopping, and keep Facebook’s users bouncing around inside its walled garden. The Buy Button could also help Facebook compete for ecommerce ad dollars with Pinterest, which just launched its own Buyable Pins that similarly allow in-line transactions.

Shopify FB Dashboard

Facebook tells me “The test will help us understand how the feature can drive sales for a wider variety of merchants.” Facebook wants to learn about what kidns of products like fashion, electronics, or crafts work best, and if there are any leaky parts of the purchase funnel. Shopify merchants will be able to track Facebook sales alongside analytics on the rest of their performance.

Testing with Shopify is convenient because it gives Facebook a standardized ecommerce backend to build the Buy Button on top of, rather than immediately having to accomodate a variety of ecommerce platforms. Facebook did something similar when testing its payment detail auto-fill feature with all the merchants on another ecommerce canvas, Ecwid.

from TechCrunch http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Y-6dkIK7pwE/

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