Here’s What Google’s LEGO-Style Phone, Project Ara, Looks Like Right Now

ara boot

It’s been a few weeks since we’ve heard much about Project Ara, Google’s efforts to build a phone out of components that can be swapped out, piece-by-piece.

Google showed off the device a bit back at I/O — alas, things got a bit… crashy during the presentation.

In a new video released today, the Phonebloks team shows the Ara prototype in its most recent form — and it’s working! It looks a bit slow right now, sure — but it boots!

The best look at the device in its current state comes at around the 2:30 mark.

ara flip

So what’s changed? Outside of the fact that it looks like the device actually boots and can be operated to some degree, not a lot — at least, not from the outside.

Particularly worth noting, however, is the tidbit they drop at the tail end of the video: currently, about 50% of the available space on this first prototype (“Spiral 1″) is dedicated to just making the modularity possible.

In the next prototype (“Spiral 2″), however, they’ve freed up a ton of space for users and developers to use as their tinkering canvas. Thanks to some custom-built Toshiba chips, “most” of the space on the device will be open for customization.

Sadly, they don’t show even a glimpse of what that 2nd prototype might look like — according to a note at the end of the video, that’ll come at Google’s just announced Project Ara developer conferece on January 14th.

from TechCrunch


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