Elimi Turns Dating Into Truth Or Dare

Hey, are you interested in ladies or men? Do you like to flirt with a capital F? Then Elimi is for you (or perhaps not if you prefer to meet potential partners at the church, club, or local rendering plant). Created by Adam Labedzki and Sebastian Brzuzek, the app allows allows you to enter into a sort of flirtatious version of truth or dare without the dare part.

It’s a cute idea. Users create questions – “Did you ever kiss a visiting Prussian oligarch on a massive yacht?” or “Do you like chocolate?” – and potential mates answer them. The banter goes on until one person is disgusted by the other or a match is made. Think of it as a sort of Turing Test for love that is completely controlled by the instigating party. It connects to your Facebook account and you’re notified when you have new questions via push notifications.

IMG_2523Labedzki says that the entire game gives the person asking the first question far more power. They can ask the first question and control to whom they want to speak. “People can easily express themselves,” he said. “It’s real time, so there’s no fake content prepared for weeks in advance.”

The company raised $135,000 in seed investment from local Polish angels. They’ve hit about about 1,000 users and have hosted 2,000 games so far.

The product is, arguably, a bit goofy and the lads miss a few cultural cues, but as a first effort it’s pretty cool. Sadly, many of the interactions are currently in Polish but if you’re looking to meet someone in Central Europe, it might be the way to go.

The app is available now and chatters are, it seems, standing by.

from TechCrunch http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/cES6_BaM9SE/


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