Another day, another Arduino project. This time it’s something called SuperDuino, a tiny touchscreen powered by a coin cell battery and backed up by a tiny Arduino-Like processor.
The kit can be used to build smartwatches and other mini devices and costs about $25 for the entire system. You can add microSD readers, Bluetooth, and wireless connectivity to the SuperDuino, as well.
What can you do with it? As you can see above you can embed the device into a watch or use it as a mini-display for a sensor. It can also work as a mini oscilloscope and, most important, it runs Flappy Bird.
Created by Mohsin Farooq the project has already surpassed its funding goal and has about 23 days left before the end of crowdfunding. It’s a clever, cool little product and could be useful for wearables experimenters and micro-Flappy Bird fans.
from TechCrunch
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