BitTorrent users more likely to pay for content, according to survey

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One of the arguments often put forward in favor of online piracy is that those who illegally download content are more likely to purchase that content at a later date. Well now BitTorrent has some figures to back-up that assertion.

Following a survey of 2,500 of its users, the peer-to-peer network found that file-sharers are more engaged than the average consumer.

BitTorrent users are also 170 percent more likely to have purchased digital music over the last month when compared with traditional consumers, with half of the respondents regularly paying for music every month.

Utilizing figures from the US music industry trade group, the RIAA, BitTorrent also claimed that its users are eight times as likely to pay for a subscription music streaming service, such as Spotify. 16 percent of BitTorrent users held an account at one of these platforms, compared with two percent of the general public.

Perhaps more surprisingly, torrent users were also more likely to purchase physical media as well. 45 percent and 10 percent of those surveyed had bought CDs and vinyl respectively in the last 12 months, suggesting that the company’s own BitTorrent bundles could increase in popularity.

"The results confirm what we knew already, that our users are super fans. They are consumers of content and are eager to reward artists for their work", Christian Averill, BitTorrent’s director of communications, said in an interview with Torrent Freak.

"BitTorrent Bundle was started based on this premise and we have more than 10,000 artists now signed up, with more to come. With 90 percent of purchase going to the content creators, BitTorrent Bundle is the most artist friendly, direct-to-fan distribution platform on the market".

Some may criticize the survey for its small sample size, but it certainly paints torrent users in a positive light. It also suggests that are ways for content providers to use peer-to-peer networks legitimately to target consumers that are more receptive to purchasing films and music.

Photo Credit: CREATISTA/Shutterstock

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